Operation policy

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Operation policy


Operation policy

1차 오디션 수상자 선정 방법

각 부분 전문가 1인 이상의 심사 위원 점수

2차-본선 오디션 수상자 선정 방법

○ 온라인 투표 / 최다 클릭수를 얻은 자

선정 절차

. 1,2,3차 오디션 선정은 총점 최상위 15명씩 부문별로 선정

. 1,2,3차 오디션 때 선정된 참가자들의 본선 경연 때 각 부문 핫 파이브를 선정하고 이들 핫 파이브중 최종 1,2,3위 입상자 선정.

How to Select First Audition Winners Evaluation

examination committee score

How to select the winners for the second-main-line audition

Online voting / Whoever has the highest number of clicks

Selection procedure

1. The selection of auditions for the first, second, and third auditions was selected by the division with the highest score of 15

2. When the participants selected during the first, second and third auditions were selected, they selected 'Hot Five' in each category and selected the final 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners among these 'Hot Fives'.

Room 501, 5th floor, Samsung Plaza, 55 Jungbo-ro, Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do (Ansan Branch)
4th floor, 20-5, Yeongdong-daero 85-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul(Main office)
50, Samyang-ro 98-gil, Gangbuk-gu, Seoul, Korea
Tel : 1660-3237 Fax : 0504-225-5195 E-mail: admin@interma.or.kr / yang-duncan@interma.or.kr
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